Fitness Goes Completely Virtual from Your Own Home!

Looking for something fun to do? Whether you’re a member of The Ranch or use OTOW’s fitness centers, Cammy Dennis and the fitness team have made it possible for you to enjoy working out and be active from home!

Through Master the Possibilities, you can now access several FitnessOnDemandTM videos without even having to leave your house. AND IT’S FREE! FitnessOnDemandTM is a virtual training platform utilized to provide residents and gym members access to fitness videos created by the OTOW fitness team.

These fitness videos are low-impact walking and stretching exercise sessions that are streamed to your device anytime you wish! The courses will help you build strength and cardiovascular health, support stability and mobility and reduce the risk of falling. Most importantly, these exercises are fun and functional, supporting movement that enables you to age optimally and stay engaged in all the things you love to do.

The online courses are taught by Cammy Dennis and Jessica Pinkowski and include:

  • Walk Fit
  • Stretch Fit
  • Dance Fit
  • Strong and Steady

All you have to do is register for the classes at!